And it's healthier sperm we're after. Revolution is a product that can help
FREQUENT sexual activity improves the genetic quality of sperm and may help some couples conceive, fertility specialists have found.
A study of men revealed that genetic defects in their sperm fell substantially after going on a program that required them to engage in sexual activity daily for a week. Fertility doctors commonly advise men trying for a baby to abstain from sexual activity for two to three days, because it boosts the number of sperm they produce.
The latest finding suggests that men who have healthy sperm counts but poor quality sperm can improve the genetic material in the cells by engaging in sex more often.
David Greening, a fertility doctor at Sydney IVF, studied 42 men whose sperm had high levels of genetic damage. After three days of sexual abstinence, tests revealed 30.8 per cent genetic damage in the men's sperm. The men were tested again after being told to engage in sexual activity daily for a week.
Tests showed that while their sperm counts fell by nearly a third, genetic damage also fell, on average by 12.8 per cent, in 37 of the men. Tests on the remaining five men showed their sperm had slightly increased genetic damage.
Dr Greening, who spoke at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine meeting in Washington on Monday, said: "I'm convinced that ejaculating more frequently, i.e., daily, improves sperm DNA damage in most men by a decent amount." He said the longer sperm are held in the tube that leads from the testicles, the more genetic damage they accumulate from free radicals circulating in the body.
Guardian News & Media
“Great to have scientific evidence like this to help with fertility. I am interested to know if there is evidence out there about the 'Mindset' going into parenthood that will help increase healthy conception. It seems there is anecdotal evidence amongst my coaching clients (professionals / senior executives) that shows that the added emotional stress of 'trying to conceive' on top of other work-life balance issues can definitely lower fertility ... so we should revisit the old adage of 'relaxing' into easier conception!!” Dr Yvonne Sum, Transformational Leadership Coach
Great blog concept! I look forward to your future posts, especially as a recently married 30something who is looking for the best chances for staying fertile and becoming pregnant in the near future.
I'm in complete agreement with Yvonne about the effects of "mindset" on fertility. Not just the effects of stress, but now the science of epigenetics confirms that we carry the emotional issues of previous generations imprinted in our DNA. This knowledge is both scary and liberating - because there are lots of great tools we can use to clear that imprinting. It's also encouraging to know that women like nanny y. are making a conscious choice about fertility and pregnancy.
I have to agree with both Jan and Yvonne. There is too much emphasis on narrow aspects to fertility and conception with too few scientists looking at the complete picture.
I can recall a number of people (as I am sure many other practitioners can) where a couple has unexplained fertility and told there is no hope for that much wanted child. This was in the days before IVF was discovered or before it was routine; and adoption was considered the only route.
I can think of a number of couples who have given up with their ever having a baby and finally adopted a child only to find within a short time - pregnancy ensues.
Perhaps we need more research to look at mind-body medicine in general practice; perhaps look at other methods to help people relaxation to help with pregnancy - along with nutritional methods, and the fertility methods taught by Jan and Francesca.
Rob - you've hit the nail on the head. But there's some interesting work being done in this emerging field of epi/emotional genetics. For example, there's a simple software program that is marketed as a stress reduction tool, but it's got wider application in addressing the mental/emotional issues that must be addressed in any fertility program. Check
sex is really important in many ways,So its better to do it regularly but with safety too...
Thanks for a wonderful resource
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