Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Give us our daily bread

Good grief, now we have bread that will stay mould-free for 60 days! This "innovation" is the work of a research team looking to prevent food-borne illness. Apparently 48 million Americans become ill every year from eating contaminated food. The sterilisation process that can extend the shelf life of bread into the never-never is also being touted as a solution to the highly resistant bugs (e.g. Staph aureus) that inhabit hospitals. At the risk of sounding like a record stuck in a crack, I wonder if better gut health prevailed, would such large numbers fall ill from eating crook food? And another question? If the mould won't flourish on the sterilised bread, how would we fare? Commercially baked bread is already a victim of reduced protein content, refining, additives, preservatives and "extenders" - why anyone would want all of that then save it for 60 days is beyond me. I'm sticking to my freshly baked artisan loaf - organic, whole grain, all that good stuff. 

If you want to go one better, my son and beautiful daughter-in-law give you a recipe for Pauline’s Bread for Beginners
Nothing smells better and more appetising than freshly baked bread. If you’ve always thought bread making required the hand of an expert or at least a special bread-making machine, you’ll love this easy recipe that allows you to experiment with different flours and to add yummy seeds to the mix. You can find that recipe and lots more in Healthy Parents Healthy Baby. Click here, then click on Open the Book for a sample chapter

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